Field Maintenance
LBSC is completely run by volunteers, and regular field maintenance is done by coaches and families of our teams. We've added a few notes as a good reference for field preparation before games, and cleanup after games/practices.
- Sheds should have chalk, chalkers, batter’s box stamps, hammers, mound circle, movable raised mounds, dragger, etc.
- Field Boxes should include bases, mound, tape measure, hammer and post digger
General Guidelines
- Clean up dugout after games
- Replace base plugs: consolidate base plugs in one spot when putting bases in
- Return all equipment back into the correct spot
- Only practice/play on reserved fields
- No balls hit into the fences
- Home team chalks the fields: batters' boxes, on deck circles and pitching circle (softball)
Light usage should be controlled by Park District managers. If a bulb goes out or lights are not being turned on before a night game contacts the Park District.
Keypad Locations: Please reference coaches/manager welcome for keypad codes
- Core Quad: Outside, South East corner of the CORE building - Silver Keypad
- Santos Field: Electric box in fence area down 3rd baseline - Silver Keypad
Tracking Light Usage
LOG ON: Each Team is required to Log-On if using lights for their Scheduled Field and Time
- Last games (teams) for the night on Each Field are required to LOG OFF
- Game Schedules and Allocation List will be used to compare against Light Usage Report for billing purposes.
- Once the lights go out, it takes 30 minutes for the lights to cool down before they can be turned back on.
- Be certain your team is the last game of the night on a field before logging off! This cannot be Overridden!!
- Press * # * to see if keypad is working properly.
- If you hear beeps, keypad is working properly, re-enter your codes.
- LIGHTS ARE PRE-SCHEDULED TO GO OFF AT 10:15PM (No Warning will be Given)
Scoreboard Use
North and Santos Field have scoreboard capabilities and the app need you to download is called DAK Score. This is a free app and it requires Bluetooth connection.
- For North Field: Connect standing next to the Shed at The Quad (North Channel 5 Freq. 1)
- For Santos Field: Connect standing next to the Pool Pump House Garage Door (Santos Channel 5 Freq. 2)
You will see MX1 tap that and then go to the three bars and settings. Change your frequency to the field in which you are on.